Official Documents
The Constitution
The MSS Constitution is the foundational document that sets out our objectives and establishes our structures, conventions and rules. It regularly undergoes revision at our Annual General Meetings so that it keeps up with the ever-changing needs of our organisation.
The 2022 Fresher Handbook
Each year, the MSS publishes a handbook for our first-year members to welcome them to the Con and to give them a helping hand in getting started at uni. The handbook contains plenty of helpful info, including messages from our committee members, a map of the Conservatorium, a list of upcoming events, tips for freshers, and much more!
We issue print copies to every new member. A PDF copy is also available online using the link below!
We keep a record of all Committee and Annual General Meetings for the benefit of all our members. Minutes keep us accountable to you, and are freely and publicly available for your review. Committee minutes detail the activities and decisions of the Society’s leadership, and AGM minutes record amendments to the Constitution as well as annual Committee reports and election proceedings.